Discussion in 'The Ants Underground Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eatmybogbrush, 12/2/23.

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  1. Eatmybogbrush

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    PLEASE Accounts, I WONT GET PAID BY THIS SITE, I HAVE SOLD BEFORE AND NEVER GOT PAID, I will make a private auction on ebay for this hill (so no one else jumps in and buys it) and you can pay by paypal so all above board, I do work and cannot access this site at work so please be patient.

    A rare opportunity to purchase ant hill CHEAP, for a free 2 play account it’s taken 6 months to this point

    I have for sale 1 account of the ants game, the account is 74m lvl24, is use and growing, I have massive amounts of resources in account, server 960, ideal for new player to get used to the game, server vocation is active every few weeks now so you can join another alliance on another server in the server range from 950 – 1000.

    Queen 25 and T9 (evos very close)can easily be achieved with the resources I have in no time at all, I just was not bothered to use them.

    I have 4 accounts, selling 2 of them as I just don’t have the time to manage 4 anymore

    Has 1m diamonds spare,

    All are increasing by the day

    Diamonds nearly 1m just spent 150,000 in VIP store as I do every week

    Inventory in millions slightly less than the other hill but done more evos and upgrades

    Fungus 126m

    Meat 1.7G

    Leaf 1.3G

    Soil 782m

    Sand 800m

    Honeydew 1.1G

    Both have enough skin fragments to purchase 2 new skins

    Lots of insects ready to lvl up, 8 star to 1 star

    I have thousands of speed ups in both accounts, 27.000 in 5min speed ups alone, 1500 1hr, 2000 1hr and 18.000 5min evo, building 8.600 5min, 800 1hr, hatching 15,000 5min and 1800 1hr, quite a few speedups.

    87 Orange eggs, 58 purple and 146 blue ready to hatch, this will increase and won’t use them will keep for new owner, 310TP,

    Good lvl 50 ants and good lvl 7 and 6 orange insects

    1 star Giant Tooth, 2 star Jack Jumper with double awakening, 1star Acid General, good season ants Leaf Devourer, Shield Warden, Crimson Fragger and Weaver Ant.

    22 exotic shells for staring up ants, 583,000 fodder, 6.6000 spore

    7 orange shells, 47 purple shells, 774 blue shells, 755 green shells.

    Many evos are maxed out have double rewards and bonus points 2 done.

    These hills have huge amounts of resources and can easily be increased quite quick,

    I log in every day and most of the items will keep going up.

    I have facebook. account and bound, I will need these so just make gmail account and bind them, I would recommend binding them to your own facebook. account too, gives added piece of mind against losing them by accident.

    These make a lot of money but I want them to go to someone who will play them, so letting them go cheap, I just don’t have the time to play anymore.

    Screenshot 2023-12-02 121227.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 121351.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 121758.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 121816.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 121850.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122010.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122029.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122432.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122446.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122503.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122626.jpg Screenshot 2023-12-02 122640.jpg
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  2. OP

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    My Location:
    Now 80m,

    This will be going to lost Island very soon, great opportunity to play with a great alliance, I will be there with my 2 bigger hills, buy this and join us.

    Server 960 is the best server Ive been on, no arguments or pirates, no war day just peace and we win many events.

    1.1m diamonds

    Fungus 164m

    Meat 1.8G

    Leaf 1.5G

    Soil 790m done evos for T9

    Sand 900m Nearly 1G

    Honeydew 1.2G

    30,000 in 5min speed ups alone, 1,600 1hr,

    Evo speedups 2,200 1hr and 20,000 5min,

    Building 10,000 5min, 1000 1hr,

    Hatching 18,000 5min and 2,000 1hr, quite a few speedups.

    100 Orange eggs, 47 purple and 144 blue ready to hatch, this will increase and won’t use them will keep for new owner, 329Teleports.
    1 star GT, 3 star JJ and 1 star AG, 1 star Reap Master.
    RM, MM, SA, JJ GT now have awakening, double on JJ
    #2 Eatmybogbrush, 12/16/23
    Last edited: 12/23/23
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  3. OP

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    My Location:
    Server 960 is the best server Ive been on, no arguments or pirates, no war day just peace and we win many events.

    Now 82m

    1.1m diamonds spare,

    All are increasing by the day

    Diamonds just spent 180,000 in VIP store as I do every week

    Inventory in millions slightly less than the other hill but done more evos and upgrades

    Fungus 182m

    Meat 1.9G

    Leaf 1.7G

    Soil 887m

    Sand 946m

    Honeydew 1.3G

    Have enough skin fragments to purchase 4 new skins

    Lots of insects ready to lvl up, 8 star to 1 star Pro troop has 8star Giant Mantis with 8star Rove beetle helper

    I have thousands of speed ups in account,

    General speed ups 32.000 in 5min, 1700 1hr,

    Evo’s 2600 1hr and 22.000 5min

    building 10.000 5min, 1100 1hr,

    Hatching 20,000 5min and 2000 1hr, quite a few speedups.

    118 Orange eggs, 41 purple and 130 blue ready to hatch, this will increase and will only use a few for ant hatching day will keep for new owner, 387 Adv TelePorts,

    Good lvl 50 ants and good lvl 7 and 6 orange insects

    1 star Giant Tooth with awakening, 3 star Jack Jumper with double awakening, 1 star Reap Master with awakening, 1star Acid General, good season ants Leaf Devourer, Shield Warden, Crimson Fragger and Weaver Ant.

    Mimicry Master with awakening.

    15 exotic shells for staring up ants, 466,000 fodder, 8.0000 spore

    5 orange shells, 50 purple shells, 840 blue shells, 849 green shells.

    Epoptic Fungi 19.000

    Crystal core 311.000

    Mystic crystal 357.000

    Red crystal core 225.000
    #3 Eatmybogbrush, 12/23/23
    Last edited: 12/23/23
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  4. OP

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