Sold Thanks for the add guys, havent played much in...

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by David Jordan, 12/6/13.

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  1. David Jordan

    David Jordan
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    Thanks for the add guys, havent played much in the last few months but im lookin to get back into it now that i can actually run the battle systems smoothly. Anything new and overly exciting come out in the last few months?
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    David Jordan

    David Jordan
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    Anyone Feel free to add me btw im rotting away in f2p XD "Pr0m3th3u5"
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    David Jordan

    David Jordan
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    Well thats good when I left last I think they were introducing some new lvl 95 def armour or something rather, but I could be completely wrong haha, and as for bonds, its basically, buy a bond with rl$ convert it to a tradeable item and sell/use it to buy mems? Is that basically it? Or can you do anything else with them?
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    Izat Charkatli

    Izat Charkatli
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    You can buy rune coins with them. Btw there's going to be a great world event in a day or two
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    Izat Charkatli

    Izat Charkatli
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    Armadyl vs bandos
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