If anyone is interested in this account please kik me at Jnewt1660. I will be able to provide a screenshot of the actual base there and we can negotiate price there as well. Lvl 5 minions, lvl 4 hogs, lvl 1 witch golem and Valkyrie. Lvl 6 balloon, lvl 5 arch barb gob wbs and wiz, lvl 4 giant, lvl 3 healer, lvl 2 drag, lvl 1 pekka. 2 lvl 1 xbows. All archer tower and cannons lvl 10. All wiz tower lvl 6, all teslas lvl 5. 3 lvl 5 air defense, 1 lvl 6. 207 lvl 7 walls, 43 lvl 6 walls. Lvl 5 archer queen, lvl 8 barb king. Contact me again at Jnewt1660 on kik messenger with any further questions.
I don't understand why a lot of you aren't willing to provide proof of what you're selling. Photos will help sell what you have to offer.
Another person our automated system picked up as a high risk which after our review shows he is indeed a scammer and has been banned before.