This is a great account in a really good clan. I kept the power below 600m for the ability to transfer to the next realm that opens under 600m, should you choose to do so. I just don't really enjoy playing this game anymore. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. RESOURCES IN TOKENS: Gems 75,200 Monster Brew 149,000 Raid Brew 153,000 Gold - 373 million Food - 602 million Ore - 655 million SPEEDUPS: 6,908 HOURS OF SPEEDUPS! 2,453 HOURS OF DRAGON SPEEDUPS! PLUS MORE RESEARCH, CONSTRUCTION, TROOP TRAINING AND HEALING SPEEDUPS! ALLIES: Owned - 40/42 Value - 2.17 billion Base Grass - 90.5% Base Badlands - 81.5% Base Swamp - 127.1% Resource: - 108.0% SHIELDS: 24 hour - 24 12 hour - 27 8 hour - 108 4 hour - 26 DRAGONS: Rekker & Bob - r20, t8, l73 Bubbles - r22, t7, l59 Waffles - r14, t6, l53 Stabigail - r12, t6, l58 Wrot - r13, t6, l56 Captain Sparkles - r13, t6, l54 TROOPS: Guards - 530,000 Knights - 1,220,000 Huntresses - 720,000 Pug Riders - 319,000 WALL: 15.2 BILLION! RESEARCH: Army - TH18 Maxed, aside from scout march speed (to keep might lower) - Scout March 17/20. City Growth - Most TH18 Maxed. Again, I skipped some less important research to keep total might lower. Corpse Clear 11/15. Rally Reinforcer 12/15. Knight march speed 13/15. Teleport & gift march speed 13/20. Ally gold protection 14/20. City defender march cap 14/20. Rally reinforce march cap 10/20. Note that all of these are "dead end" researches. All researched required to open the tree are maxed for TH18. Monster hunting - TH18 maxed, except for Max Monster HP Damage II - it is 13/15. Again, it takes 4 hits to kill everything at TH18, so leveling this would have just added pointless might for TH18. This is also a "dead end" skill. It is not required to open the tree. Resource Gathering - TH18 maxed, except for Huntress Troop Carry Capacity - 9/10. Raid Tactics - Minion & Node 4/8. March caps are 13/20, 13/20, 15/20. Titan is 3/6. Boss 3/5. Leader march cap 10/20. Concurrent maxed. Rally joiner 6/20. March cap II - all three are 10/20. Efficiencies are 2/20, 2/20, 5/20. Badlands/Grasslands - Research is good here, but not maxed. Swamp - First 6 tiers are TH18 maxed. Bonus from Swamp allies, Swamp Dragon Ability Boost, March capacity are also all TH18 maxed. Dragon Disc - March 10/20, Raider XP 5/20, Wild Dragon XP 7/20, Lava Dragon XP 0/20, Wild Dragon March Speed 4/20. Shrines - 5/20, 5/10, 5/10, 5/10, 4/20, 3/20, 5/20, 3/15
Yes, still available. I quit maintaining it, so I’m sure the hospital is full and troops are dead, but still a very nice account otherwise. I’d drop the price to $150.00 if you’re interested.