Legendary: - Ithos - Royal Hunter - Foli - Steal Epic: - Smash Skulls - Juliana - Tayrel - Seeker - Gorgorab, and more .. * Damage: 12M hard and 10M brutal boss. * At first I prepared it for sand but I also started it for clan boss. It is a good account because there are still champions to improve and it offers many opportunities for play. * In Arena, 3 attacks beat the opponent by doubling him as a team. It always remains at 3,150 Gold 4 ranking. * Great Hall very advanced level 79 with gold skills. Mine level 3. And I leave 826 gems and 8.8M silver. * 18 normal, 2 epic and 1 legendary books * 4 blue and 286 green fragments *** I also give along with her another account with Zavia + Mortu-Maccab and Epics of fusion *** Add me to the discord for more information or to ask me for captures: ElfoANGUS # 8452
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