Selling   TESL all expansions, Theme Decks and Madhouse

Discussion in 'Elder Scrolls Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oediepus, 1/9/18.

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  1. Oediepus

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    Im going to Sell my Legends Account as im not playing anymore.
    I have both the Dark Brotherhood and the Clockwork Expansion fully. I also got all the Theme Decks aswell as the Mad-House Collection.
    I Own 104 different Epics and 44 different Legendarys, not counting doubles or triples. Lock at the Pictures for infos on the Legendarys. For more information ask me.
    Im Level 50 and got Legends or Rank 1 a few times. Since i didnt play much after the latest expansion i should now be lower Rank.
    I have 4300 Dust ( Dust in picture is pre dusting the extra ones) and 750 Gold. I also have a few Premium Cards so if you really want to craft a few competitive Decks and miss cards you should be able to do so.
    Here the Pictures.

    I think the Price is fair, as this is what you have to pay for Expansions and Madhouse, and you need these for most Decks. So if you buy from me you get all other cards basicaly on top.

    Please ask Questions.

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  2. PlayerUp

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