Fire magician lvl 82 close to 83 Server:Terraneum The follow data's below are from today 19.10.2016 I Start with mercanaries: Main Mercs are;Maury the pillaging scourge/Gold lvl 2/5 runes high up Roman the winter executioner/Gold lvl 2/5 runes high up Garr,the crescent Moon/orange lvl 2/6 runes high up All runes are ex Runs Minimum lvl 8 max 11 Merc Skills:Source of life 20% Holy Shield 20% Magical schield 16% Thanderous 30% Iron will 20% Rage Fire 26% Fatal wound 14% Stone set lvl 6 Full,First lvl 7 dmg Stone in Weapon Head,Shoes and Leggs have Gold 70 Equipment Hand and belt lvl 74 orange,shoulder and Jacket have lvl 80 orange Neck and Ring 59 evolve quest is active! Dragons:Fireball lvl 71/1 Gold star so He is Full evolved/Full with 8 ex runes good pushed The Second is Teath Dragon/purple 2 Stars/8 runes The third is teath dragon too/1 purple/8 runes too Not all ex I have a Score now from 264185 86.000 gems Im with my lvl on Rank 6 Equipment Rank 5 Mercs Rank 6 Dragon Rank 5 Score Rank 6 Totem Rank 4 In you Need more informations let me know