Selling Tera Online AV, 5 level 65's on a Tier 6...

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Stephen Paul, 7/30/17.

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  1. Stephen Paul

    Stephen Paul
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    Tera Online AV, 5 level 65's on a Tier 6 (halfway to 7) account. Brawler x2, Sorc, Priest, Gunner, as well as 3 lower level characters. Lots of things have been bought for Brawler and Sorc and priest. Around 80k gold at hand plus a lot of useful stuff. I played for several years but all my friends moved on to other things and I started playing Neverwinter Online. I would probably do a cross game trade if it weren't so annoying. I want $400 via paypal. I won't accept any shady substitute and I know nothing about Bitcoin. I have an offer on it for bitcoin that the guy claimed is worth closer to $600 and 4, but I don't know anything about that stuff. If you think to offer me trades on Neverwinter or some other kind of deal just know that I'm not down for trusting people. You pay for a product and then you get it. Just like any other typical business transaction. I will make %100 sure that you're good to go before I cease communication. After that I hope you have a blast with one of my most cherished games of all time. But I think 5000+ hours is enough.
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