Selling Tera NA. (x8 LVL65) (x2 ENDGAME)+Ilv 203 Warrior Ilv 200 Berseker and more more & more.

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Perfection, 12/17/15.

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  1. Perfection

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    Hello guys o/, This account is from Tera North america. Server: Ascension Valley and have 8 Characters ALL LVL65 with TWO or more mounts per character and one or more personalised customes ( head, boddy , weapon skin...) 8\4 characters have the actual gear of this patch +12 and +15 the Alts 4\2 Gunner and Slayer: Schisma - Wroth all +12.... the Mains 4\2 Warrior And Berzeker End Game Gear: Schisma-Lucid all +12 and +15.
    -OTHERS: X2 high ILV CHAR 203 and 20O (ALCHEMIST,ETCHING AND WEAPON MASTER), 80% Skilleds in Warrior and Zerker, Nice Customes-Mount Combination in all characters, High Reputation in Warrior, 8 or 9 Pets (1 FELICITY), Gatering: Mining, energy and Plant at 350. OLD Vision Maker Weapons and gear: Nightforge, Archetype... 8/7 PVE New Crystals, High Price Desings in weapon master and Etch, PVP achievements and mask >.< i cant remmember all.
    After of 3 Years playing in the server, i want sell my acount for buy a Pc Gamer. Account Price: 400$ Paypal or Gift Card. FOR MORE INFO,QUESTIONS AND SCREENSHOTS OF ALL CHARACTERS send a email to:[email protected]

    Account Link Screenshots:
    ImageShack - perfect10n's Images

    ---Especific Information:

    -Mains 2: !!Warrior -> Race: Castanic -> Gender: Female -> Gear: Armor Schisma DPS and Tank +12, Weapon lucid+15 +3% +Perfect Rolls. Brooch Power, Innerwear Critical. -> Jewels: Crit and power -> Etch and rolls options: Balanced 50% crit and 50% Power (Attack Speed-Aggro Options and Etch In tank mode) Customes: School x2, Swimwear x4, Nurse, dyed armors x5, Sexy Innerwear. Weapon Skin: Celestial, Ninja, Rogues. Accesories: 15 Or more... Idk. Mounts: 8. <-- All Superior innerwear, brooch, belt, perfect rolls and more.... END GAME CHAR. <-- WEAPON MASTER.

    !!Berzeker -> Race: Elin -> Gender: Female -> Gear: Full Schisma +12, Brooch Critical, Innerwear Critical, ->Jewels: Critical -> Etch and rolls options: Focus Critical 100%. Customes: Princess Maid, Swimwear, Pedo Sexy Innerwear. Weapon Skin: Black Heart Axe. Accesories: 8. Mounts: 3. <-- All Superior innerwear, brooch, belt, perfect rolls and more.... END GAME CHAR. <-- ETCH MASTER.

    -Alts 2: !!Gunner ->Race: High elf -> Gender: Female: Gear: Schisma Weapon and armor Wroth all +12, Brooch Power, Innerwear Power, Jewels: Crit and power -> Etch and rolls options: Focus Power 70%. Customes: Nurse, Swimwear, Dyed armor. Weapon Skin: Fashion Cupon Skin. Accesories: 8. Mounts: 3. <-- Superior and rare innerwear, boorch, belt, Good Opc rolls.

    !!Slayer -> Race: Castanic ->Gender: Male -> Gear: Schisma Weapon and armor Wroth all +12, Brooch Critical, Innerwear Critical, Jewels: Crit and power -> Etch and rolls options: Focus crit 70%Customes: Dyed Armor x5. Weapon Skin: Ninja and Fashion Cupon Skin x2. Accesories:2. Mounts: 3. <-- Superior and rare innerwear, boorch, belt, Good Opc rolls.

    -Others 4: !!Lancer -> Race: Castanic -> Gender: Female. Gear: Fulminate, Brooch Endurance, Innerwear Endurance, jewels: IDK -> Etch And Rolls options: RANDOM not focus. Customes: Asian Silk, Swimwear, Dyed armor. Weapon Skin: Ninja and Fashion Cupons Skin. Accesories:4 Mounts: 2 <-- Rare and Uncomon Innerwear, brooch, belt, Imperfect Random Rolls.

    !!Priest ->Race: Castanic -> Gender: Female. Gear: Fulminate. Brooch: Cleanse and critical. Innerwear: Hp. Jewels: IDK -> Etch and Rolls Options: Healing and Crit focused, Customes: Swimwear, Dyed Armor x6. Weapon Skin: Fashion Cupons Skin. Accesories:7 Mounts: 3 <-- Rare and Uncomon Innerwear, brooch, belt, Imperfect Random Rolls.

    !!Archer -> Race: High Elf -> Gender: Female. Gear: Fulminate With PVP PERMANENT Crystals For CS (Scourge Of the Sea achievement). Jewels IDK -> Etch and Rolls Options: Random Not focus. Customes: Swimwear, Dyed Armor x3. Weapon Skin: Sweet Candy Weapon. Accesories: 6. Mounts: 3. <-- Rare and Uncomon Innerwear, brooch, belt, Imperfect Random Rolls. <--ALCHEMIST MASTER.

    [B][COLOR=#00ff00]!![/COLOR][COLOR=#ffff00]Reaper[/COLOR] -> Race: Elin -> Gender: Female. Gear: Ambit. Brooch: Critical. Innerwear: Critical. Jewels: IDK-> Etch And Rolls Options: Random Not Focus. Customes: Swimwear. Weapon Skin: Fashion Cupons Skin x4. Accesories: 4. Mounts: 2. <-- Rare and Uncomon Innerwear, brooch, belt, Imperfect Random Rolls.[/B]
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