---Outfits---- Lvl 70 elin warrior has Formal Sunday Dress Elin,Elin Snowbelle Wrap,Legitimate Business Suit elin,Elin Santa suit,Black brow glasses,Black Bow,Black Bowler hat,White Fur Coat,Unity stole,Chocolate and Strawberry weapon skin,Pink brow glasses,Devil Horns,Room Darkening shades,Crystalyne Exarch mask,White Halo,Ghilliedhu mask and Kuma Mask. Lvl 65 Reaper has Elin Chamber Maid Uniform and Dyeable Princess Arin Maid Uniform,Spun Sugar Wings and Pink Ribbon Headband. Lvl 69 Elin Archer has Elin Rose Petal Dress,Slingshot weapon skin,Tortoise shell glasses,Spun Sugar Wings and Pink Ribbon Headband. Lvl 65 Ninja has Dyeable Elin Aurora Dress Kunoichi Robe and Elin Ruby Tuxedo Top,Ruby Rims glasses,Spun Sugar Wings and Chilly little cloud. ---Mounts--- Lvl 70 Elin Warrior has a Smolder Lion mount,a black Battle Charger horse mount(290 FWC mount), a Black Leopard mount,a Sparky mount,a Moonsilk Carpet mount,a Legendary Fyrewing mount,and a flying Vulcan Drake mount. Lvl 69 archer has a Squack mount,a Black Pearl mount, a Flying Mighty Armored Dragon mount,and a flying Waddles pig mount. Lvl 65 reaper has a Rainbow horse mount,a Black Afro Duck mount and a Sparky mount. Lvl 65 Ninja has a Moonlight wolf mount and a flying Waddles pig mount. The account has 22 characters all with rare names,1.2million gold in bank,7 Super Elin Garment bag boxes in bank,and aYukata Common smartbox,the wardrobe and the special storage has a lot of hats and adorments. Original owner account/ non #/non # account. Price 75$ accept paypal / Cardano / ETH / BTC as payment. Send a message in Discord @ Maxiv#2928 for more info/list of names and for references/vouchers in other sites.