Tempest 62k gs + Berserker 46k gs

Discussion in 'Devilian Mobile Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SpiralSnake, 1/8/17.

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  1. SpiralSnake

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    Wep: 7 35%
    Chest: 7
    Gloves: 7 42%
    Wrist: 7
    Boots: 6

    Body: 60
    Valor: 51
    Growth: 51
    Economy: 0
    Devilian: 50

    Definitely not a wolf (Tempest)
    Sugary Lolli (Berserker)

    Warehouse: 3x 32 3x 24 on both characters
    Inventory All slots open on both characters

    +6 and +7 resistances still need some work

    I have 260+ enigma keys, close to 9k archgemstones and 2 dex in inventory

    Contact me if you have questions.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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