Looking to sell my account it is 11 months old roughly. I have put a ton of time and money into this account and she's a beauty. This account can eat a full t4 rally and Deal massive damage leading one! Combat stats with heroes, gear, crystals, and boosts: Sheriff Liv (1 Star unlocked) Sheriff lvl 60 Infantry Atk. 1000% Range Atk. 1000% Cavalry Atk. 1300% Total Troops: 9 Million Current boosts: VIP lvl 20 Elite Privilege Shop Unlocked (Tier 2) Perm. Cavalry Stronghold (2 Stars unlocked) Perm. Chariot March Skin (1 Star unlocked) Research 338% Construction 435% Silver Production 1558% Research completed: Economics 100% Combat 100% Trap 100% Sheriff 99% Equipment Forge 20% Buildings completed: Town Center.Lvl.24 Defense Factory.Lvl.23 Academy.Lvl.23 Embassy.Lvl.21 Warehouse.Lvl.21 Command Center.Lvl.23 Sentry Station.Lvl.22 Blacksmith.Lvl.23 Jail.Lvl.21 Market.Lvl.21 Cabin.Lvl.22,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21 Hospital.Lvl.21,21,21,21 Farm.Lvl.24 Logging Camp.Lvl.23,20,20,20,20,20,20 Quarry.Lvl.23,20,20,20,20,20,20 Mine.Lvl.23,20,20,20,20,20,20 Barracks.Lvl.23,21 Church.Lvl.21 Monument.Lvl.21 Duel Yard (Advanced mode unlocked) If you need any more information please feel free to reach out to me!