Selling  TC23, TH15, 230M+ Account, T4 Unlocked, VIP 30, OVER 860K Gold

Discussion in 'West Game Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by rhromijn, 7/11/22.

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  1. rhromijn

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    The account comes with full email control and a small bank.

    900% Inf Att.
    Troop force: 153.3M
    Building force: 13.8M
    Research force: 37.6M

    All Blue Heroes at 5 Stars
    All Purple Heroes unlocked and decent

    Economics Research: Done
    Combat Reseearch: T4 unlocked (but not t4 Artillery)
    Trap Research: Not started
    Sheriff Research: Wild Hunt V unlocked

    TC23, VIP 30, Elite 11

    Town Hall 15, M3 unlocked

    Rss are being used to build further on the account, same goes for the bank.
    Sheriff level is 58 on the main and 51 on the bank
    State 75

    Ask for more info.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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