Selling [Tarlach] 4.1k Total Elf + Good pets +Good gear

Discussion in 'Mabinogi Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/4/15.

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  1. Games

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    Notable Stats:
    Character Total Level: 4117
    Character Total Explo: 1172
    STR 290
    INT 750
    DEX 750
    WIL 275
    LCK 145
    Master Archer
    Master Puppetteer

    Notable Gear:
    Holy Eagle Mask
    rank1 Bohemian Gloves (Magnum Shot 15)
    rank1 Paris's Wig(Crisis Radius 19)
    rank1 Bassanio's Costume G15(Transport Speed 19)
    rank1 R5 Glorious Sniping Highlander Longbow (Ice 6)
    Counseling Program Yui
    EXP Mysterious Robe
    rank1 Tengu Gloves (Blaze 16)
    S6 Savage Ice Wand
    S6 Hermit Staff
    rank2 R5 Carved Colossus Demonic Bars
    rank2 24 Social Spirit Ring Bow
    rank2 Lyre
    Raccoon Cub, Jackal, and Abysmal Shield (CP - 1000, 500, 500)

    Lots of fashionogi stuff, the characters colors are Neon Green and Black

    Notable Pets:
    2 Alpacas
    4 Rainbow Nimbus
    1 Scooter
    2 Bone Dragons

    Total Pets: 43

    For Inventory space I have: 4 Adventurer Pinky Doll Bags, 1 Eirawen Bag, 1 8x8 Devcat Bag, 1 Luxury Equip Bag, 1 Simon's Clothing Bag, 1 8x10 bag full of goldboxes (can hold 1.5m)

    Notable Skills not implied by talents:
    r1 Lullaby
    r1 Meteor Strike (Master Title)
    r1 Hydra Transmutation
    r1 Synthesis

    All skills have been learned except Counter Punch.
    I have gotten most of magic done, but deranked it using perfect reset capsules.

    For more information add me on Skype: chaostomi

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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