Account Details: Rank : Legend 7 (2 836 880 / 3 000 000) Max GS - 9489 Tank Coins : 892 Crystals : 1387 K/D: 1.22 Turrets FireBird: MK5-1, augments: magnetic mix Freeze: MK8, augments: Jamming mix, high pressure pump, corrosive mix, shock freeze, adrenaline Ricochet: MK8, augments: super-smart minus-field, destabilized plasma, berserk, magnetron, adrenaline Scorpion: MK5-0 Magnum: MK3-1, augments: armor-piercing core, reinforced gun carriage Railgun: MK5-3, augments: reinforced aiming transmission, round stabilization Gauss: MK7-17 Shaft: MK5-7, augments: sort-band emitter, heavy capacitors, adrenaline Hulls Viking: MK8, augments: emp immunity, stun immunity, heat resistance, cold resistance, lightweight construction, heavyweight construction Wasp: MK7-15, augments: heat immunity, cold immunity, emp immunity, ap immunity, jammer immunity, cold resistance Hunter: MK7-0, augments: ap immunity, cold resistance And many other less upgraded hulls and turrets with some cool augs. DM if interested in details Drones Defender LVL 20 Trickster LVL 8 Booster LVL 4 Protections Ocelot (isida) MK 5-1 Panther (twins) MK 5-1 Lion (ricochet) MK 7-8 Dolphin (Smoky) MK 5-1 Falcon (railgun) MK 6-1 Owl (gauss) MK 7-6 Paints (98/416) Legendary- 5/130 (animated) Epic- 36/155 Rare- 25/42 Uncommon- 16/45 Common- 15/43 Special- 1/1 Supplies Repair Kit: 3266 Boosted Armor: 332 Boosted Damage: 12742 Speed Boost: 10141 Mine: 7725 Contact Details: fb: Email: [email protected]