Selling  Tanki online Legend 30 acount - 9999 GEARSCORE - WITH CRISIS, ARMADILLO, HELIOS AND SWARM

Discussion in 'Tanki Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jan4828, 10/24/22.

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  1. Jan4828

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    I am selling my legend 30 account, because I stop playing tanki. I started this account in may 2020 and haven't buyed till november 2021, when being legend 16. If you are interrested, message me on discord: jsb#4406 and we can discuss about the price.

    Here is a detailed descripion of the account.

    Nuclear energy - 26
    Repair kit - 16443
    Boosted armor - 41412
    Boosted damage - 18799
    Speed boost - 40648
    Mine - 37609
    Gold box - 0
    Batery - 8654

    275 of 420 paint
    Legendary paints - 38 of 130
    Special paints - 5
    -JMPR paint, Youtuber 2k22 paint, Singularity paint, Revenge paint, Sweet Trick paint

    Adrenaline augment missing for: scorpion, railgun
    Firebird - mk4-0
    -augments: magnetic mix, high pressure pump, incendiary mix
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: pink, magma
    Freeze - mk7-7
    -augments: Jamming mix, high pressure pump, corrosive mix, shock freeze
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: all
    Isida - mk7-11
    -augments: broadband radiators, support nanoboots
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: fire
    Tesla - mk7-9
    -augments: pulsar, electroturret, shocking lightning, armour-piercing discharge, minus-field, dilatory protocol
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: -
    Hammer - mk8
    -augments: wyvern's breath, magnetic pellets, stunning pellets, jamming shot, slugger, high-capacity ammo clip, duplet, adaptive reload, dragon breath
    -skins: xt, lc
    -shot effects: all
    Twins - mk7-14
    -augments: stabalized plasma, heavy plasmagun
    -skins: xt, lc
    -shot effects: all except blaster
    Ricochet - mk8
    -augments: super-smart minus-field, destabalized plasma, plasma torch, bersek, helios
    -skins: xt, lc
    -shot effects: all except blaster
    Smoky - mk7-11
    -augments: EMP rounds, rubberized rounds, sorted ammunition, cryo rounds, autocannon, assault rounds, high-precision aiming system
    -skins: lc
    -shot effects: -
    Vulcan - mk7-16
    -augments: rubberized rounds, shooting speed regulator, reinforced aiming transmission, incendiary band
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: mysterious red
    Striker - mk7-17
    -augments: armor-piercing missiles, stunning missiles, missile launcher 'hunter', missile launcher 'cyclone', remote rocket explosives
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: all
    Thunder - mk7-10
    -augments: corrosion shells, vacuum shells, small caliber charging machine, subcaliber rounds, sledgehammer rounds
    -skins: lc
    -shot effects: -
    Scorpion - mk7-4
    -augments: missile launcher 'swarm', explosive warheads
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: -
    Magnum - mk8
    -augments: armor-piercing core, reinforced gun carriage, automated gunpowder loading mechanism, harpoon
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: all
    Railgun - mk8
    -augments: EMP rounds, stun rounds, reinforced aiming transmission, round stabilization, round destabilization, large caliber rounds, electromagnetic accelerator scout
    -skins: xt, lc
    -shot effects: all, except blood
    Gauss - mk7-14
    -augments: armor-piercing salvo
    -skins: ut
    -shot effects: violeNt
    Shaft - mk7-8
    -augments: armor-piercing sight, healing emitters, short-band emitter, heavy capacitors, light capacitors, rapid-fire mode
    -skins: no
    -shot effects: blue, eclipse, green, magma, noon, violet

    Wasp - mk7-11
    -skins: xt, lc
    Hopper - mk6-0
    -skins: no
    Hornet - mk8
    -skins: xt, lc
    Viking - mk8
    -skins: xt
    Crusader - mk1-0
    -skins: no
    Hunter - mk8
    -skins: lc, pr
    Paladin - mk7-13
    -skins: no
    Dictator - mk8
    -skins: lc
    Titan - mk7-13
    -skins: xt
    Ares - mk7-4
    -skins: xt
    Mammoth - mk5-0
    -skins: ut
    Hull augments:
    Heat - viking, hunter, dictator, mammoth
    Cold - wasp, hopper, hornet, viking, crusader, hunter, paladin, titan, ares
    EMP - wasp, hopper, hornet, viking, crusader, hunter, dicator, titan
    Stun - wasp, viking, hunter, dictator, ares, mammoth
    AP - wasp, hopper, hornet, crusader, hunter, paladin, dictator, titan, ares, mammoth
    Jamming - hornet, viking, hunter, paladin, dictator, titan, mammoth
    Heat resistance - all
    Cold resistance - all
    Light weight - all, except viking
    Heavy weight - all

    Brutus - max
    Driver - 10
    Trooper - 1
    Enigneer - 2
    Sprinter - 0
    miner - 4
    supplier - 1
    assault - 0
    lifeguard - 9
    mechanic - 1
    blaster - 2
    saboteur - 11
    camper - 2
    booster - max
    defender - 10
    trickster - max
    hyperion - 16
    crisis - 8

    armadillo - mk4-0
    fox - mk6-0
    badger - mk7-5
    ocelot - mk6-0
    weasel - mk6-0
    wolf - mk8
    panther - mk6-0
    lion - mk8
    dolphin - mk6-0
    orka - mk7-8
    shark - mk6-0
    grizzly - mk8
    vulture - mk2-0
    falcon - mk8
    griffin - mk7-10
    owl - mk7-8
    eagle - mk7-3
    spider - mk6-0

    4th protection slot is available

    There are 1700 tankoins left. Friendlist will be cleared after buying and you will have to change the name.
    #1 Jan4828, 10/24/22
    Last edited: 10/29/22
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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