Selling Talisman making & salvaging RR 76 Shaman Armor:...

Discussion in 'Warhammer Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts, 3/2/13.

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  1. League of Legends LoL - Buy Sell Trade Accounts

    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    Talisman making & salvaging RR 76 Shaman Armor: Warpforged: some parts Doomflayer: once full Sovereign: twice full Tyrant: several parts Glyph Set: full Weapons: RR100: almost half done with first staff RR90: heal staff small bugged lotd staff for dps Extras: Charger's Charm Boneward Fleet Stag Mantle The festival cloak from 3 yrs ago 11 of 12 blue seeds (some 2-4 times) Profession: Talisman making & cultivating Other lvl 40 chars: RR66 White Lion (worldboss weapon) - scavenging RR19 Witch Hunter - butchering (not sure about exact RR) RR20 Bright Wizard - salvaging & potion making (not sure about exact RR) Order side: 1 Destruction side: 1 Price: make an offer. But only serious ones." "WTT 100 Dok (want shammy) ""Ey guyz I want to trade my DOK with shammy. My dok is " 5/4 dps warpforge (chest missing) 5/2 heal warp 5/5heal doomflayer dont have doomflayer weapon I bought tropy Now I have 250 warp insignias. rr75 charm melee absorb lots of 81 85 95 weapons. 5/3 glyhps some tyrant pieces full heal sov dps sov 200 apot culti some rare items like %3 increased speed pet alts rr44 choppa rr23 rank 22 mara rr30 rank 30 sorc. Looking for nearly same geared shammy for trade tyvm." "War rr powerleveling ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page) ""Hello users" since Staff members are not replying me on the ""Service"" section permission - I decided to post it her. My team is glad to offer You a professional powerleveling service in Warhammer Online We have more then 100 gratefull customers on different MMO RMT forums And lots of visible feedback on leveling services in last 2 years. (just FYI - our . topic has ~2 Please PM for Quotation and pricing! Starter Pack: 1-80 RENOWN RANK - 5 days** (Incl. 1-40 EXP Ranks) Budget Pack: 80-90 RENOWN RANK - 4 days** Comfort Pack 1: 90 - 95 RENOWN RANK - 5 days*** GameTagcom - Buy and Sell Warhammer Accounts and Warhammer Online Characters
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