Selling      Tales of Crestoria Day 1 account - 24 SSR - Arena rank SSS - Best memoria stones

Discussion in 'Tales of Crestoria ToC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Keig0, 10/10/20.

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  1. Keig0

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    Unverified Member

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    My Location:
    24 SSR characters
    8 SSR memoria stones and 10 SR memoria stones at level 100. Most of them full ascended
    Arena rank: SSS
    Tons of upgrade and ascension materials
    Hundreds of Crystals and thousands of hero emblem points for ascending characters
    7500+ gold medals for SSR memoria stones

    Prebuild teams for each element which usually are top 1 in every raid. These teams have 1 free slot for the support character which most of the time is a full upgraded unit from a friend (very powerful friends!)
    Europe region (I think that can be used worldwide)

    PM Discord wirh your offer: Keig0#1081
    (the last character of my nick is a zero)

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