- Contact us before making the order - Specification 6.6kk of total fame 1.38kk of silver per character ( 625k in the character 's account and APPROXIMATELY 757k at the estimated market price in the chest ) The character is openly wearing: Pyromancer 100/100 (can wear T7, almost T8) Fabric cap 97/100 (can wear T7, almost T8) Fabric mantle 97/100 (can wear T7, almost T8) Gauntlet boots 97/100 (can wear T7, almost T8) Trowels have been upgraded on the character: Large fire staff 70/100 The magician 's cap 70/100 Cleric 's mantle 70/100 Soldier 's boots 70/100 Riverka T8 - Contact us in private to see pictures - Contact me if you need a specific account : https://heaven-guardian.com/buy-albion-online, I will show them to you off market. You can directly add me on discord for faster answer : **heaven_guardian** All accounts have a **Lifetime Warranty**, see our return policy to know the details.