Selling  T8 Druid Wood Staff 1.45M OF SILVER Cloth/Skin/Armor plates

Discussion in 'Albion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by xxDARKxLORDxx, 2/4/25.

  1. xxDARKxLORDxx

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    Verified Status: This user has completed basic background and ID verification Bronze Status: This user has successfully completed 3+ middleman transactions

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    My Location:
    - Contact us before making the order -
    6.88kk of total fame
    1.45kk of silver per character
    ( 468k in the character 's account and APPROXIMATELY 1.34kk at the estimated market price in the chest )

    The character is openly wearing:
    A 100/100 wood staff (can wear T8)
    A 100/100 torch (can wear T8)
    A 100/100 cloth cap (can wear T8)
    100/100 leather jacket (can wear T8)
    100/100 Gauntlet boots (can wear T8)

    Trowels have been upgraded on the character:
    Wood staff 72/100
    Torch 99/100
    The magician 's cap 72/100
    Mercenary jacket 72/100
    Soldier 's boots 72/100
    Riverka T8

    - Contact us in private to see pictures -
    Contact me if you need a specific account :, I will show them to you off market.

    You can directly add me on discord for faster answer : **heaven_guardian**

    All accounts have a **Lifetime Warranty**, see our return policy to know the details.