Sold T5 Account - 172k Main Water March

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Yuela343, 10/3/21.

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  1. Yuela343

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    Selling my account with 172k Main Water March and secondary Fire March in the making.

    Portals on hand: 7 (15 needed to migrate)
    Gems: 35k
    VIP: 8 (24k from 9)

    All maxed except the following:
    Spearmen lvl 39
    Cavalry lvl 38
    Stone, Food, Wood, and Iron lvl 32++

    Production decently leveled
    Troops nearly maxed for main march until Rock Steady/Great Vigor. cav/spear equivalent needed to go further.
    Immortal all near max for shieldment and bowmen. stopped at Outstanding...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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