yeah its a noob acct. but it has expensive items. MAPLE GLOBAL / SCANIA LVL 37 Assassin. Low dex, 50 base dex(keep it @ 50) Items: 8 Steelys (13mill each) 1 Tobis (1.5mill) 34 atk +5acc Maple Kandayo (17mill) 5 dex snowshoes (7mill) Maple Claw (2mill) 15 dex robe (15mill) 5 luk dark ID (5mill) 4 luk dark ID (1.5mill) 9 ATK Work Gloves (32mill) and some random items. The acct also have 17mill. the account comes with all the personal info (i remember everything because i made this account like 1/2 weeks ago) also comes with an hotmail that i made specially for this account(also got all the info to change everything you want to change) OFFER lol i got a gunbound acc for ya just mail me ***************************************************** its not realy high ranked and i dont got much money but i only got a teddy beer suit thats a rare avatar and a christmass background rank is double silver axe PM me. im wiling to trade multiple accounts for you ms accnt wow so rich... i only have a lil cheap battle axe acc wif friendship A on it =( he WTFPWNED maybe im interested in urss i'll PM u Ill trade a wand acc for it its a malaysian red wand for ure ms acc with all the items. The acc has a few rare items such as orbiting moons,ballroom gown and frendship suit with a few items such as golden armour. 1 sapphire Wand. Lots of Avatars, 100 coins(event) 5mil gold Email: ***************************************************** i got a golden battle # with cash items like ent and blue phoenix pm me. I have a sapphire wand/red dragon. Not too far away from ruby wand. 83% win rate, 94% with boomer and aduka, with about 1.5m gold. PM me or contact me *****************************************************