T>Lawolf Account

Discussion in 'FlyFF Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FlyFF, 11/14/13.

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  1. FlyFF

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    I'm trading my Lawolf account for a maplestory account.(GMS) My account is a full buff assist. It has 650k,lvl 45 boots for an acrobat,a gore neckalace,and a re-skill thing. I would like a maplestory account on scaina,bera,bellocan or the newest server. Surprise me with the levels of the accounts! :) Bid here(dont forget to put your /aim), and if i see a bid of someone that is trustworthy to trade the account to, ill add you on .

    Account for Sale

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    T> level 71 knight and 62bp(same account) for 50+ bow acro both on glaphanclosed Graftart added 1259 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...< --- Please use the edit button in the future--- >

    Account for Sale

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    Selling Lvl 101 Blade on Luiahi i sell a Lvl 101 Pure Str Blade on the EU server Luia. I take only Gpotato or Accounts/Items/Penya on Luia, just make offers but no Aibat or server like that. My Icq Number is 425817437, i wont read that treath anymore so add me in icq. Markus

    Account for Sale

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    Buying all lvl 70+ mushpoie account.Hey,ill buy all of your account that are 70+ on mushpoie. Doesn't matter what the class but ill buy about 5 or so accounts. i will purchase with paypal i have a spending limit on 200$ a account. so please give me a good offer no ridiculous offers. but anyway i really like Bp's and Yoyo Jesters,and some knights(with high Hp) i would prefer the account be equipped but ill buy some if they are stripped. it would depend. But No scammers please because i got scammed on here many of times already and im really sick of it! Okay start posting those accounts! P.s. I would prefer Male accounts,but if the bp is female ill also take or if the assist class itself is male. or acro class. mercenary must be male. please and thank you.

    Account for Sale

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    bewear of nooby scammer(intesive swearing)Ok theres this guy who's going around trying to scam anything he can find. I have two of his 's. The first time i was going to trade him a wow account and i gave him the info and he logged out. So i went on real fast and changed the pass. Later that day he comes on hes said he had to go shopping with his mother. Children these days! so he asks for that and i called him a scammer and he keeps saying how he was seriously had to go. I wasn't buying it. So he's like fine what ever and blocks me. Today i signed on and he sends me a message... Sorry for the inconvenience. Just highlight to see the text. [22:18] Abdul: hi [22:18] Tommy: hey [22:19] Abdul: u got any rs accoynts [22:19] Tommy: i did [22:19] Tommy: but i sold them [22:19] Tommy: are you intrested in a silk road accont? [22:19] Abdul: dpends [22:19] Abdul: on lvl [22:19] Tommy: 49 [22:20] Tommy: i think...its my friends he just gave it to me [22:20] Tommy: its atleast 47 [22:20] Abdul: how much [22:20] Abdul: or what u want [22:21] Tommy: do you still have that blade :} [22:21] Abdul: yes [22:21] Tommy: do you want to trade it? [22:21] Abdul: ya i would but u think im a scammer [22:21] Abdul: cuz ihad to go [22:22] Tommy: its suspiciouse [22:22] Tommy: but ill trade [22:22] Abdul: u first? [22:22] Tommy: sure [22:22] Tommy: USERNAME:******************* PASSWORD:******** [22:22] Tommy: sorda tough to remember [22:23] Abdul: wait [22:23] Abdul: let me log on [22:23] Abdul: the site [22:23] Abdul: tell me info again [22:23] Tommy: USERNAME:********************* PASSWORD:********* [22:23] Abdul: brb [22:23] Abdul: relogin [22:23] Meebo Message: Abdul is offline [22:25] Meebo Message: agfag is online [22:25] agfag: ok back [22:25] agfag: info me again [22:25] agfag: had to swithc pcs [22:26] agfag: hello? [22:26] Tommy: hey [22:26] agfag: its me abdul [22:26] Tommy: .... [22:26] agfag: had to swtihc pc [22:26] Tommy: give me the flyff account info [22:26] agfag: tell me ur info again [22:27] Tommy: no [22:27] agfag: peace then [22:27] agfag: dont waste my time [22:27] Tommy: scammer [22:27] agfag: k [22:27] Tommy: told you i was right [22:27] agfag: im a scammer [22:27] agfag: ya im a scammer [22:27] agfag: wooh [22:27] Tommy: nice try... [22:27] agfag: im a scammer [22:27] agfag: ya [22:27] Tommy: love you **** [22:27] agfag: i changed ur pass lol [22:27] agfag: try to log on u dip love you [22:27] Tommy: good for you [22:27] agfag: i didnt scam love you [22:27] agfag: ur just a bad trader [22:27] agfag: ur liek 12 [22:27] agfag: go suck ur dads love you [22:27] Tommy: i can spell your right.... [22:28] agfag: k love you **** [22:28] Tommy: im right [22:28] Tommy: your a scammer [22:28] agfag: tell me that when i **** ur mom [22:28] agfag: lol ya im a scammer [22:28] agfag: lol [22:28] agfag: wooh hoo [22:28] agfag: i scammed nothign [22:28] agfag: and im a scammer hahahah [22:28] agfag: GG [22:28] agfag: u pos [22:28] Tommy: give me the flyff info [22:28] agfag: u jump to conclusion so ****ing muuch [22:28] Tommy: im not going first again [22:28] agfag: its ****youassmonkey [22:28] agfag: pass is [22:28] agfag: i****edyourmomlastnight [22:29] Tommy: funny [22:29] agfag: but true [22:29] Tommy: honostly dude your the worst scammer ive ever seen [22:29] agfag: ****ing udche bag [22:29] agfag: little kid [22:29] agfag: k [22:29] agfag: im a scammer [22:29] agfag: rofl [22:29] agfag: ya i scam [22:29] agfag: woohhooo [22:29] agfag: ur wrong get and ur bad [22:29] Tommy: stop freaking out [22:29] agfag: so go **** ur dad pls [22:29] Tommy: if you wernt you wouldnt be spazzing right now... [22:30] agfag: btw BLOCKED [22:30] agfag: nooi [22:30] agfag: im tired of r little love you [22:30] agfag: calling me a scammemr [22:30] agfag: so peace out [22:30] Tommy: cya [22:30] agfag: have fun blaming others [22:30] agfag: ****ing noob [22:30] Tommy: i will [22:30] Tommy: bye! [22:30] Meebo Message: agfag is offline Just to warn you guys. He will probably be on a different screen name. Hes most likely using the same method. I thought it was sorta funny how he freaked out that i wouldn't give him the information again.

    Account for Sale

    Main Character Information
    Trading SRO for FlyffI am trading 2 Silkroad Online accounts. Im taking offers at the moment, so whatever you have would be considered. My is ***************************************************** I would like a high level flyff character, but like I said anything and everything is considered, as long as its reasonable. Level 42 Full STR Glaive Xian Server-Leveled to 42 with no use of bot, comes with really nice equipment and level items. Level 38 Full INT Spear Saturn Server-Comes with a lot of cash shop items, SoS, SoM, and elixirs.

    Account for Sale

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    B- cs peti am buying cs pet for really cash live in toronto Canada!!!!^^ 14 years old... : *****************************************************

    Account for Sale

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    T> Cash/Item on Clockworks Server..I'm trading 124mil penya, Cloak of low strong (95-110mil), and cloak of low quick (95-110mil) in clockworks server for cash on a different server besides Lawolf and Demian. I don't know how much i want to sell for since this is a new server with not too much cash in it. PM me or leave offers if interested. We will also use a mm or trade in small amounts for safe trading.
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