Gunbound account is a blue dragon, has many avatars to chose from, and has much gold and ijji points. I am looking for a 75+ cb. screenshots please. do you have aim? yes I have AIM. Screen will be shown on AIM. i got a lvl 67 sin and a richhhhh lvl 23 bandit u want Originally Posted by SMO1 Gunbound account is a blue dragon, has many avatars to chose from, and has much gold and ijji points. I am looking for a 75+ cb. i have a lvl 102 chief bandit with seclusion and everything scrolled including my inventory things and i have 25.5 mil u want? Originally Posted by SMO1 Gunbound account is a blue dragon, has many avatars to chose from, and has much gold and ijji points. I am looking for a 75+ cb. and if u have aim my screen name is snowymanxx Originally Posted by SMO1 yes I have AIM. Screen will be shown on AIM. my screen name is snowymanxx wuts urs i got a lvl 109+ cb want?