hey guyz juz wanna c if u guys were interested or not....i'm gonna quir CO soon so..ya..but i wanna play GB ya...and ma tao got super bs and stuff..if ure interested replay asap (GB acc must be higher than double side+) ths ^.^ CO = Conquer Online? describe ur account i may be interested.... got an account that is double sided stone axe + with some unlimited avatars... ILL TRADE ive got a doublt silver axe!!! my acc name = ShinAsuka, water tao lvl 77 got super stuff in tiger server Originally Posted by MissCoolTeeth my acc name = ShinAsuka, water tao lvl 77 got super stuff in tiger server Ill Trade ive got red dragon Nice items unlimited and ive got alot of golds.:Banane37: :Banane23: Hey, ill be tradin my counter strike account and my yahoo is ***************************************************** but usually im on ***************************************************** sooo, youll need to get me the info before we trade...and stuff.......Yeah just hit me up!