Hi,i am tradeing both accounts for a 105+ cleric or over in NA Rose. The scout has full Jag armor and B.O.A (4)G6 and d4 set AND Mask of lies and WDW. The cleric has t4 set,full armor,all buffs,mask of lies,wdw,and the rest i forgot. Leave your msn and i will tell you more about the accounts. Why you wanna move to NA, Na sucks dude, the owner does not care about the real game improvements or development. It is soooo unstable, it changes so dratically hence upset so many new players, alot of them quit the game. I am planning to launch an english version of SEARose inconjunction with Jrose. Currently in negotiation stage. Well, got kinda tiered of ruff rose and want to go back to NA rose, kinda miss it. And btw, The accounts are Ruff Rose (^_^), forgot to mention. i wanna trade ok, you can add me on msn, *****************************************************.