Hi all, as the title says 'WTB Ranger lvl 76+ !!!!' on Evengarda server. post/pm me offers with gear list Best regards, lulu...=D [URZARK] WTS | WTB ! ! ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page) WTS List: Uniqes Glorious Sword Eater with Lv6 Might Stone Glorious Sword Eater with Lv6 Might + 7% Resistance HOT Glorious Hwaridun with Lv2 God Wings HOT Brilliant Werewolf 0/3 HOT 2x Biglos 0/1 Brilliant Biglos 1/1 - Lv3 Ele Cloack Brilliant Sword Eater 0/1 Norgen 0/1 Yalquinas 0/1 Gadius 0/1 CF/Infinity Realms: Sleeves of Siasien 2% Cast 0/2 Remulos Bracers 2% Cast + 13 Rating WTB List: 9% or 10% Ring Spirit Stone added Scrolls for gold My friends WTS: Intel Rapid 0/2 Intel Yalquinas 0/1 Intel Hwaridun 0/1 Intel Biglos 0/1 Glorious Luke 0/1 Make me offers and i redirect you to the correct person. Urzark [WTB/WTS/WTT] Hello. I want to buy: -Premium ticket -Int Shuta 0/1 or 7%+ res -Int Ohkeros 0/1 or 7%+ res -Elementalist CF Pants 12%res empty or stoned 5lvl CF Armor 12%SB empty or stoned 5lvl CF Boots 9% block empty or ashtals in CF Gloves 3% cast empty or ashtals in Chakram HH 80 with dmg+ele dmg empty or ashtals in Any Chakram +1 all skills (bad options ) for any lvl HH Cap 90 HH Armor 90 8% resi stone for ring I want to sell/trade : Brilliant Blode 8% resi in Knight CF Boots 9% block 1/2 5lvl m.s stone Orc Spider and Griffin mount /w me on priv. [Evengarda] WTS Storage Acc (more than 1kkk Coins on it) As the title says i want to sell my Storage Account.. The Char has 200kk Coins in cash and a completely expanded storage full with 5-stack gold coins (maybe about 2 or 3 slots empty, dunno now). i'll accept paypal payment, so pm me your offers or write it here (if anyone wants screenshots i can upload them the next days ) [Zian] WTS Ranger 91 ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)