Sold SWTOR Account 8 toons (Cheap/Trade) + rare items

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Cozen7734, 3/2/17.

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  1. Cozen7734

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    Trading My SWTOR account...

    Looking for Ingame credits or mounts... my account is worth $125+... will trade for steam games or CSGO skins...

    Please contact me on Skype... Cozen7734 with Beta tester under my name...

    All are sith but 3 witch I will list last

    Has allot of legacy items and things Boughton + has had allot of credits Boughton to buy allot of the class items and so on...

    List of tools + lv''s
    Harbinger - Main Toons
    (( Lv65 )) sith warrior - allot of mounts + rare
    (( Lv62 ))bounty hunter main too with allot of mounts / pets and a bunch of mounts / pets in legacy bank. 3mill in escrow...
    (( Lv26 )) inquis with Series 808 complete set wOrth 10mill credits...

    Jedi Covenant
    (( Lv62 )) power tech - has raven it armour witch you can no longer buy on GTN it's worth around 45mill credits...

    Charectors with not much on em and not really worth mentioning...

    Lv16 republic
    Lv50 republic
    Lv43 republic

    Looking to trade for in game credits / steam games / csgo skins

    Skype: Cozen7734 with beta tester for motor / under name...
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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