Selling SwordieMS Endgame Warrior

Discussion in 'Maplestory Private Server Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ilovefluff, 4/16/21.

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  1. ilovefluff

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    Selling full equipment set($140)/whole account($180)

    Equip details
    -95k without symbols, full 23* and 25* primed weapon/heart
    -Accessories 8+ average mostly
    -Arcane 7+ average mostly

    Account details
    -9 x 70% DR 22* accessories
    -8k legion
    -All necessary links done
    -50k+ MLG worth stuff inside

    Discord: hippoo#2256
    #, pm for more information
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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