Selling SWG Awakening: Credits & Powerleveling

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxies Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vizions, 11/7/16.

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  1. Vizions

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    Awakening is a "hardcore" completely PRE-CU emulator of SWG.
    Do NOT post on this thread if your username is the same or similar to your registered emulator username.
    Contact me by PM for more details or to provide an additional contact method.


    $5.00 / million, # based on quantity.


    One elite master combat profession, ie TKM - $50.00
    One complete template, ie "full stacker" - $125.00
    No pre-requisites required. Your character will be outfitted with the armor, weapons, vehicles and credits necessary to complete the profession or template you desire. All gear, credits and any notable loot acquired during the powerleveling process will be available for your use when completed.

    One elite master crafting profession - $200.00
    No pre-requisites required. All tools, resources and credits necessary to complete the crafting process will be provided by me. Most professions will be completed crafting in practice mode.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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