SWFC DS Account for Sale - Leaving the Game - BS around 650k - Many 5's and 4's

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/28/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I have a level 85 Dark Side account with SWFC that I am just tired of playing. You will be buying the entire account with all the cards and allies and Legion Membership, etc.

    These are the cards I have in the account:

    5* Emax Cards

    Old Vader Emax X 2

    Boba Fett Emax

    Grand Moff Tarkin Emax - Skill 32

    Old Dooku Emax

    Darth Vader (May the 4th) Emax - Non-Tradable

    5* Base Cards

    Vader CC Base - Skill 10

    Old Vader Base

    Old Dooku Base

    Emperor Palpatine Base

    Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan) Base - Non-Tradable

    4* Emax Cards

    Aurra Sing Emax X 2

    Obi-Wan Kenobi (Padawan) Emax

    Jabba the Hutt Emax - Skill 1

    Mace Windu Emax

    Zam Wesell Emax - Skill 1

    Dooku Emax - Skill 32

    Clone Commander Bly (DS) 8/15 Emax - Skill 1

    Clone Commander Bly (DS) Emax - Skill 5

    Darth Vader (Death Star) Emax

    General Veers Emax X 3 - Skill 9 and 1

    IG-88B Emax

    Droideka Emax - Skill 1

    MagnaGuard Emax - Skill 1

    Senate Guard Emax - Skill 1

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