Selling swfc account level 90 960k+ battle score

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dl9404, 11/8/14.

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  1. dl9404

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    $750 0b0
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    Quiting game and trying to recoup some of the money I've put into it.

    As the title says 960k+ battle score w/o procs, with hits over 1.2mil.

    over 4mil credits

    front row:
    4/7 TFO x3 (40,33,30)
    4/7 VCC x2 (10,10)
    4/7 old dooku

    Evo 2 5* SCP (30) locked
    4/7 mas (32)
    4/7 lot dott (40)
    4/7 4* SCP (40)
    4/7 4* dooku (40)
    4/7 4* Tarkin (40)

    Back row:
    5/9 old Jango
    4/7 5* Aurra x5

    Notable 5* base cards:
    Old Sid x2
    Sid SD locked
    Maul Assassin
    Old dooku
    5* Nute x2

    Also a binder full of good 3* and 4* cards.

    Name change still available
    Over 60k of AP in inbox

    Looking for $750 or best offer
    Any questions please ask

    1) PM me for a purchase. I'll give you my PayPal email and my SWFC ID-No.
    2) You can battle me to see formation
    3) Go to PayPal. Select the tab "Send Money."
    4) Enter my PayPal Email address.
    5) Enter the amount for your purchase.
    6) Select the option "I'm sending money to: Family or Friends."
    7) Enter the comment: "I am sending <enter amount> for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable."
    8) Message me when you have sent the money
    9) I'll check my PayPal to confirm the payment.
    10) I'll send you account password and the account is yours
    > All transactions will be payment first.
    > All payments through PayPal as a gift/personal payment (buyer pays for the fee). You must be PayPal verified.
    > All sales are final and are non-refundable
    > Payment must be made within 24 hours, otherwise the deal will be cancelled (exceptions can be made if I am made aware of a situation).
    > All payments must include the message: "I am sending [enter amount] for a virtual item. I understand that this transaction is non-refundable/non-returnable."
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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