Selling SWFC Account, DS, 1.25M BS

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by True_Power, 11/14/14.

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  1. True_Power

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    Unfortunately I need to sell my account, so here it is. This account's formation is a monster, I stay Regional Commander (Level 10) in the Proving Grounds, you wont be disappointed. The Account has 4.5 Million Credits and I Also have ALL 24 Ships MAXED! ALL CARDS ARE PROPERLY EVO'D. I Have put ALOT of $ into this account, please do not waste our time. I have seen accounts not even close to this capacity go for well over 800.00.
    Please Message or comment an offer if interested, I will get back to you ASAP.

    My Formation is as follows:
    Front- (From Left to Right)
    4* C3PO sk40, Emax TRH, Emax GG, Emax TFO, Emax GG, Emax GG
    Middle- (L to R)
    Emax VCC sk40, Mas sk40, Emax Barris, Emax Barris, Mas sk40, Emax Maul
    Back- (L to R)
    Lott sk40, Tarkin sk40, Dodonna sk40, 5* Emax Sing x3.

    Other 5*
    Emax New Jabba
    Base Emperor Palpatine
    Base VCC

    Other NOTABLE 4*
    Evo2 Old Sing (Pilot)
    Emax Sing Sniper and Base
    Base Ben Kenobi x4
    Base Jabba
    Base Nute
    Base C3PO
    Base R2-D2 x4
    Emax and Base R2 Mech
    Base Kit Fisto
    Base Zam x4
    Emax Jango (PILOT)
    Emax CC GREE DS (Can be used in Formation or Great Pilot)
    Emax CC Cody DS (Can be used in Formation or Great Pilot)
    Base CC Bly LS
    Base CC Bacara DS x2
    Base Tarfful
    Base Tarkin
    Base Dodonna
    Emax Vader DS x2 (PILOT)
    Emax Chewbacca (PILOT)
    Emax Han (PILOT)
    Base Rieekan x4
    Evo2 and 4 Base Zuckuss
    Base Moff Jerjerrod x6
    Base Veers x2
    Base Lando PC x3
    Emax and 3 Base IG-88B
    Base Boosk x3 (PILOT)
    Emax Droideka
    Emax and 2 Base MagnaGuard
    Emax ShadowTroop (PILOT)
    Base Tie Pilot

    Other NOTABLE 3*
    Emax Jango x2 (PILOT)
    Base Oppo
    Emax and Base Lama Su
    Emax Taun We
    Emax Droideka
    Emax B1
    Emax and 5 Base Pit Droid
    Emax Viper sk27
    Evo1 and 1 Base AT-AT Pilot

    Some are skilled that I didn't mention.

    Pay-Pal will be the Payment Method used, when a price is negotiated I will send the Details.
    I will Send Pictures to verify or even battle you if I feel the offer is serious.

    Thank you for looking!

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