Selling  Android and iOS  SWC rebel account Durovia/ PRESTIGE HQ/148.5k medals/ maxed regular bronzium frags etc

Discussion in 'Star Wars Commander Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Durovia, 10/2/18.

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  1. Durovia

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    Been playing since november 2014 but, work has got me tied up, especialy small bussines i am trying to set up (what i need money for) and i dont have enough time to dedicate to this account, time it needs and it deserves.

    It has been a great adventure, honour and in game pride to serve alongside greatest reb family in game- W.A.R. and its squad W.A.R United and Outlaws,but it is time for this chapter to end, or at least for my involvement with this account. It would be nice if buyer of this account recognizes its values, virtues and sacrifices in time, nerves and adrenaline rushs that were invested in it or collected from it.

    So, having that in mind, even though it seems the market price seems too high, having in mind all factors above and stats that will be listed i think that the price is fair, and believe me, or ask anyone that has been part of this community long enough, you would need at least 40x asked price to get it up there from scratch.

    Now, i would like to get in the specifics of the account and list all its important stats (if i miss something that you are interested at make a post and i ll answer it):

    0. rank- 25, 20.140 attacks won, 1.138 defences won
    1. medals- capped, or above 148k depending of loosing/ winning defs, depending on the current moment
    2. HQ - going to prestige
    3. base- every building maxed - they will need to go to prestige level once HQ upgrades
    4. 393 crystals- never paid a dime for all this time playing the game
    5. Droidekas- both maxed - lvl 50
    6. infanrty regular/ not buffed - everything 10 except wookie and pathfinder - both lvl 7
    7. vehicles regular/ not buffed - lvl 10- bikes, t2b, hover tank, jugg, hail, at rt, ski, stolen at-dt , lvl 9 - skiff, lvl 6 - AT AP, lvl 5 - AT TE, lvl 2 - A-A5 speeder truck aka wookie wagon
    8. heroes - lvl 10 - leia, luke kessen, elite at-te,SD-K4, level 7 - chewy,han, lvl 6 - r2 - d2
    9. cantina troops/ mercs - lvl 10 -gamorrean warrior, luggabeast, drabatan saboteur, tognath marksman, fathier rider, lvl 8 - A- LT turret slicer, lvl 2 - twilek , lvl 1 dowutin
    10. starship command + lvl 10 - b wing, a wing, fang fighter, salvaged at hauler, lvl 9 - x wing, z95, lvl 7 - hwk 290 (it can be maxed, there are enough fragments), lvl 6 - y wing, lvl 4 - E 50 landseer aka med drop ship, lvl 1 low altitude assault ship,
    11. armoury buffs (note : all regular bronzium and lower tier stuff can be maxed out, there are enough fragments but there wasnt enough time or crystals/ pattern: eqp anme- number of current level) :

    1) infantry (desert heavy- 6, desert jet - 10, desert reb-5, sully sniper -8 (
    137/180 frags for lvl 9), cold hvy-6, arctic jet- going to 10, cold reb- 5, forest jet- 10, forest reb- 6, gigorian-7, tauntaun-9),
    2) vehicles ( stolen tx- 10, enhanced t2-b - 2, cold hail - 8),
    3) heroes (artoo and treepio 8 (156/180 frags for lvl 9), milenium falcon support- chewy skin - lvl 6 but can be maxed, captain han-5, leia organa - 10),
    4) starships (u-wing - 3 but can be upgraded to lvl 4 - 61/30 frags)
    5) structures (tier 3 :guard reserve- lvl 10- bantha, rebs, lvl 9 - vanguards, skiffs, lvl 8 - bikes, tier 2 : rapids- both lvl 10, rockets- both lvl 9, bursts- both lvl 6, mortars- both lvl 5, tier 1 : reinforced wall- 9, HQ, credit market, alloy refinery-6, contraband trade - 5)
    #1 Durovia, 10/2/18
    Last edited: 10/2/18
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  3. boonip

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    what is your price? Do you have wookie wagons?
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  4. OP

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    Atm 2.5k $ but i am ready to drop it if decent offer comes along, i love a good bargain. Yes, i do have wookie wagons,but they are level 2, 20 fragment needed for level 3
    I was really buisy in rl so didnt have time for these confllicts.

    I will be playing this account so it doesnt waste precious time in lab researches so it will be better than in description. If there are any other questions i ll be happy to answer them
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