Suspension/Banned Accounts Guide - How To Appeal

Discussion in 'Disputes - Appeal Suspensions' started by Disputes, 4/8/20.

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  1. Disputes

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    Why have I been suspended?
    If your PlayerUp Account has been suspended, this is likely due to 1 of 2 reasons:

    1. You have an active dispute opened and/or a moderator suspects that you could be a fraudulent buyer/seller.
    2. You opened multiple accounts and/or using a VPN. See guides below:


    Why have I been banned?
    If your PlayerUp Account has been banned, this is due to that we have determined you're a fraudulent buyer/seller. Accounts that have been banned have no option to appeal and the decision to close your account is final.


    How do I appeal a suspension?

    If your PlayerUp Account has been suspended, you do have the option to appeal. Search for your thread that displays your username. Then reply to your thread and request for a moderator to restore access to your account. If you opened multiple accounts, then inform them you want to keep this account opened only, and close your other accounts. If you're using a VPN, turn it off and agree that you won't use a VPN in the future. If you have a dispute opened, reply to your dispute thread and work to get that issue resolved. All other reasons simply respond to your appeal suspension thread and a moderator will review your appeal shortly.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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