I own both of these accs. First account: Mixology Quit minecraft since 2017, but continued to change names to keep the name change count high (I currently have 38 name changes) Link to account: https://namemc.com/profile/Mixology.6 Comes with: OGE (my personal, or we can swap if you'd like) Customizable OptiFine cape login:pass, security questions Hypixel Forums account (if you want it) Server Stats: HYPIXEL: Network Level 106 900 wins, 22k kills in Mega Walls 600 wins, 14k in Blitz MVP+ (pre-eula) WARNING: This account has been banned for almost 2 years, but Hypixel is generally lenient towards people banned this long and you can always submit 1 appeal (I have not submitted my appeal yet) My advice is to just say that you've learned your lesson after 2 years of being a cheater & how life has changed, etc. Just tell them w/e to get unbanned. Second account: suspenseful 1 previous name history and only 1 previous holder of the name https://namemc.com/profile/suspenseful.2 Comes with: OGE (my personal, or we can swap if you'd like) Customizable OptiFine cape login:pass, security questions MVP+ (post-eula) Hypixel stats: 70 wins on mega walls, 3000 kills, prestige 3 hb, and 400k coins Network level 81 Owner of a semi-active guild with 90 people and the OG guild tag "money" "suspenseful" is currently UNBANNED on Hypixel with 0 bans/mute on record. I will sell both of these accounts for a $50 steam card / $50 paypal Or, you can buy them individually for $20 steam/paypal each Terms of Service: You will pay first, then I shall provide you with the login information to the account(and security questions) OGE, and Hypixel forums acc if you so wish. There is no backup email registered to my OGE. If you cannot get unbanned from the server, I am not responsible for providing you with a refund. if you want a MM you pay for it.