Suspended Member: @Lac GEM/RSS Date of Suspension: September 13, 2019 Reason For Suspension:[0]=-1 2 individuals stated you scammed them and 1 reported you. Your account has been suspended until we figure out why these individuals claim you're a scam?
Scammed them? Who? Bring them out to this thread and see if they are speaking the true.. I will never scam anyone. They are most probably my competitors where they cant match my prices. U can message those who gave me good reviews in my post. @Hulk You got to help me, I'm innocent and running a legit trade over here.
Sold - [Lowest Rate] 100K for $16 ALL MIGHT + 1B RSS Deal for Closed King. Line ID yongshenglin | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. HighVelocityZ SDJ some other conversations I had with Line messaging with my customers -
Sold - [Lowest Rate] 100K for $16 ALL MIGHT + 1B RSS Deal for Closed King. Line ID yongshenglin | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. HighVelocityZ SDJ some other conversations I had with Line messaging with my customers -
Sold - [Lowest Rate] 100K for $16 ALL MIGHT + 1B RSS Deal for Closed King. Line ID yongshenglin | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. HighVelocityZ SDJ some other conversations I had with Line messaging with my customers -
Sold - [Lowest Rate] 100K for $16 ALL MIGHT + 1B RSS Deal for Closed King. Line ID yongshenglin | PlayerUp Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform. HighVelocityZ SDJ some other conversations I had with Line messaging with my customers -
I contacted him. I told him there is no payment in my account at all! And i do not have any details of this parchase at all. And look up on playerup and it says he needs to find a middleman to drop me a mail on his purchase first. I received no mail from any middleman at all. After that, he went silence.
I just want to say for the record that Lac is not scammer, not once have I even considered Lac a malicious person. I'm not sure if you got the wrong person or if someone is trying to fool you, but I can 100% say with certainty that Lac is legit. I have screenshots that back it up, maybe someone is lying to get free stuff? Competition? I have placed an order in the past and got the order within a few minutes.