Verean High Ac (as a GIFT another good account with the current light (seals, Godrol guns, and a bunch of goodies (if anything, within a month I will help to finish some activities, triumphs, seals))) All DLS have been purchased (56 seals) Godrol weapons, trial guns) All exotic guns* and skins (with different mods) A lot of exotic cloaks, headbands, marks in various combinations! (for all classes) most exotic gear has stats 67-71, with an unlocked slot for the mod (requires an exotic cipher (weekly from Zur) all catalysts available in the game are pumped** Almost the entire inventory has maximum light (all exotic gear and guns - 2000+) A lot of exotic ships, ghosts, sparrows, skins for weapons and clothes. a million emblems)) most of which are no longer available for obtaining. Discord: nomuksigue