I need to sell my account within the next 3 hours, can you prioritize my sale this one time for me please? I need this money for a very very urgent real life matter and this money can help me out by selling my clash account. Please please please help me this one time middleman when I find a buyer I will send him to you but can we please do this transaction within 2 hours or so? Please please please
Here is how our process works: How does it work? 1). Sellers create and post middleman buy now listings (click here) 2). Buyer clicks on buy now listing and completes payment 3). We verify and secure the buyers payment 4). We create a 3 way conversation ticket with the Buyer and Seller 5). We inform the Seller which specific account information they need to release to the Buyer 6). During this process, we will communicate and guide both the Buyer and Seller. 7). Buyer secures and verifies the account 8). Payment is then disbursed to the Seller Middleman: Sellers Guide | PlayerUp - Video Game Accounts Marketplace. Player 2 Player Secure Platform.
Can I get this done urgently though? I have a buyer ready now could you go ahead and start our transaction? WU near me closes in 1 and 1/2 hours.
Just being up front here. We won't be able to reach your expectations. There are some steps involved here and no way we can see all parties completing them within that timeframe. These type of transactions aren't setup to be done urgently. They can take time.