Sold Super unicum: 3250 WN8 / 29k battles (60.84%) / 10.3k personal rating / 279E / Obj 260 / Kpz 50 t /

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by sanzuchan, 4/3/24.

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  1. sanzuchan

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    Hi~ i would like to sell my Account
    If youre interested dont hesitate to contact me in discord for discussion

    Here is my discord ID:

    PRICE: $170

    Thank you for your time reading my thread and have a good day! >w<




















    Tier 10s stats:


    As of 3 marked tier 10s not in garage: IS7, E100.

    There's also M48 patton and Super Conqueror currently in garage.

    All of them have pretty much from 4 up to 8 skill crew.

    Now as tier 9s :



    Currently in garage:

    E50, T55A, Kpz 50t, Char futur 4, TNH vz 51, Conway, ST-I, Patton the tank.

    As of tier 8s:




    Premiums in garage:

    T-54 first prot, STG guard, Obsidian, ISU-152k, Chrysler K GF, T26E5, EBR 75 (FL 10), ELC EVEN 90, Lorraine 40 t, FV4202,

    T-34-3, STA-2, Lansen C, Progetto 46, Chimera.

    A bunch of random tech tree / premium tanks as of tier 2 up to 7, no particular ones to mention other than M10 RBFM and leFH18B2.

    As of resources and equipment:



    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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