Sold Super Strong Account - T6 - C45 - VIP 15 - Troop Power 270k

Discussion in 'Infinity Kingdom Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PHANTOM_347, 2/2/22.

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  1. PHANTOM_347

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    im selling my T6 - Castle 45 ( ALMOST C46) Whale acc,
    - its VIP 15 with 200k+ points u can use ( the holy dragon egg is unlocked already)
    - 3 high-end marches:
    main water at 270k ( there is room for a lot of improvement the march could reach 290k if maxed)
    2nd march 237k Fire
    3rd march 235k earth with Charles and eliz
    - almost all of the skills are maxed out
    - as u can see in the pictures I have 137k gems, u get 13750 from the 100 USD pack, so that's almost 1k USD worth of gems...

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