Sold Super account With 1.2 bil in liquid silver and + than 4 bil in assets!!!

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by leandrosoarezzz, 10/15/16.

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  1. leandrosoarezzz

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    Looking for offers on my account:

    1.2 bil liquid silver ---over 4 bil in assets--198 sharp shards...302 hard shards

    Lvl 56 witch 275 max energy 302 max contribution points

    Master 3 gathering.
    Artisan9 processing
    Artisan 8 cooking
    Artisan 6 alchemy
    Artisan 4 farming
    Artisan 4 trading

    Almost 100% of time in every channel on top 5: gatherers---wealth and farming...always with those shiny medals on ur head

    3 t7 horses with breeds...a bunch of t6....5 silver clothes+3(gathering training cooking processing and alchemy) rest +2

    Tri Liverto

    Duo bhegs

    +0 giath

    Duo schulz belt

    Sturdy Alchemy Stone of life...Yellow grade..worth 200 mil

    4 or 5 grunil pieces pri---duo +15

    Amazing workers Setup...with over 50 workers and around 30 artisan workers....with my setup...with farms + workers i can make without almost 0 effort 20 mil silver per day afk..just need some cooking and some farming(collect crops)

    My price 200 euros
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