Sold Super ACC | All awaken | Almost All ssr | 4.2K+ Black ticket | Cheap

Discussion in 'Counter Side Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Vaioz, 1/26/22.

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  1. Vaioz

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    As Title, want to sell super lucky and end game account
    this is the summary

    - Got ALL AWAKEN (110 - Nayubin , Hilde,Mina,Yuna,LSY,ReplacerKing,LS,Queen 102-E1 )
    - More than 50 SSR all TOP TIER is ACQUIRED
    - Super GOD Equipment
    - so many maxed break(ABOVE lvl 100 ) hero
    - A lot of good skin : Sigma, Edel, Yumi

    - And many quartz skins (Xiao Lin, Claudia, Harim, Mina, Karin, Han Sorim, etc.)
    - 2 # operator with aoe dmg res...

    Read more
    #1 Vaioz, 1/26/22
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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