Selling  Global  6 Star 50+ Summoners War Gloabal Account with 37k+ Crystals 1700+ value

Discussion in 'Summoners War Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell' started by kuliacas, 6/6/21.

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  1. kuliacas

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    My Location:
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    Buy Now
    Summoners War Gloabal Account Mid game
    have 37,000+ crystals $1700+ value

    Fighter 3 mid game account
    40 nat5 monsters
    60 6 star monsters

    cairos b11 speed teams (working on stable b12 team)
    toan/toah team (can finish in 1-2days)
    Raid 4-5 team
    all rift teams with SSS rank

    glory point buildings are aprox 70% lvled up
    guild point buildings are aprox 95% lvled up

    45 devil monster
    5 super angelmon
    277 4 star rainbow monsters
    24 4 star max lvl rainbow monsters
    0 3 star max lvl rainbow monsters

    number of rainbow mons/devilmons will change as im still building up monsters

    after payment is received, buyer will be contacted and account will be transfered to buyers prefered email.
    no refund is accepted, all sales are final
    my discord is :pa#7497
    s-l1600 (2).jpg
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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