Selling Suggestion FREE guys we all know that here now...

Discussion in 'Clash of Kings Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ibtisam Sarwar, 12/8/16.

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  1. Ibtisam Sarwar

    Ibtisam Sarwar
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    Suggestion FREE guys we all know that here now many want to sell castles and 90% scammers so no one can buy because if we pay first than scammer take money and run (because i lost by sending first) and if we give castle first than we lose castle or both can play and anyone destroy castle and many says that if they can't sold it than the delete it i think its batter to play or give someone for free or you can make deal only face to face
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  3. OP
    Ahtasham Khan

    Ahtasham Khan
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    I like the idea of giving one of your friend so you can play any time you want to. And your castle remain yours and friend will take care of your castle. Right now I am taking care of 2 castles my friend give me i am useing them as farm castle for me. And I am upgrading these castles as well. They came time to time and chat with friends and go offline again
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