SELLING A Level 100 Save the world account BIN:$450 C/O $105 (off site) Currently the account has 6k efficient, 2k carved twine, 500 oxidized, 3k planks, 3k rough ore, 1k malachite, 100k mats, 3k char black. 2x 130 scamatics=130 Gravedigger , 130 bundlebuss. [Godroll] 1417 Schematics on the account A couple good ones -Gravedigger -Founders drumroll -whisper 45 -bundlebuss -130 Gas traps -130 stormblade -Hydra -Siegebreaker -Super Shredder -dragoon -frostbite -Basilisk -Hemlock -Stalwart Squire Has 2.2k epic perk up 300 ledendary 300 eye of storm 430 lightening in a bottle 2k drops of rain 220 storm shards 2.5k daily coins 1.9 million hero exp 400k scamtic exp 5 mythic survivors 800 v bucks Battle Royal——— Battle hound Carbide Dark voyager Drift Enforcer John wick Ragnarok Omega Magnus And more If you don’t believe me check The account will be supplied with the email linked to the account. It has only been connected to one PS4 before. Buyer must have 100% feedback and be willing to discuss a safe trade or a middle man