Selling  All Platforms   Original Owner (Yes) Street Fighter Duel Lvl200, account with +480k stones + tons of ressources

Discussion in 'Street Fighter Duel Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SAN Strike, 9/9/24.

  1. SAN Strike

    SAN Strike
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    I'm selling my account as no more time to play. 2-3 years of daily playing account. Linked to A plus account. email address can be reset by you whenever you want.

    2nd biggest account in S.303 Europe.

    * Level 200
    * Power : 1157M
    * VIP 10
    * N°1 guild in the game. Winning 100% of Super Showdown & every game event. The ultimate guild you would like to join !
    * 480K gems !
    *1B cash
    * 161 Special summons
    * 136 Diviniation
    * Limit break at 471/475
    * 127K for car kits, even if all playable caracters are already 6/6 (not trash ones)
    * Vizcond Vega SSS + 5 white stars
    * Akuma SSS + 5 white stars
    * R Honda SSS + 2 white stars
    * Stage 42-20 without pushing since at least 2 months.
    * Supreme Fist at Level 538.
    * Fighting souls 5/8 maxed at 5* et 3/8 at 4*
    * Fighting heart at level 80.
    * All EX Moves except Gore Magala Ken & Dante

    Available for more screens & info !

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    #1 SAN Strike, 9/9/24
    Last edited: 9/9/24
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