Sold [Store] UPDATED July 5 - Flip/Bowie Ruby, AK Wild Lotus, M4 Howl, AWP Desert Hydra, AWP/Glock/M9/Nomad Fade, ST M4A4...

Discussion in 'CSGO Items for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Items' started by /u/trad9r, 7/8/22.

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  1. /u/trad9r

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    Not all my skins are listed here - make sure to check all of my items in my Inventory

    Buyouts are in cash value!

    Some price might be outdated

    Most recently added items marked with "NEW!"

    Mostly looking for items offers, downgrades/upgrades!

    Almost all of my prices is nego, feel free to send me offers / add me to nego prices!

    TradeLink or Add me to discuss

    Highly interested in:

    • AK Redline <0.18 w/ IBP Holo & 3x Crowns
    • AK Fire Serpent <0.18 w/ 4x Crowns - st / non st
    • M9 Ruby / Sapphire <0.03 float
    • BFK Ruby / Sapphire <0.03 float

    Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
    M4A4 Howl MW 0.0900 - SreenShot $3,900 Tradable
    AK Wild Lotus WW 0.4005 - SreenShot $3,000 Tradable
    AWP Desert Hydra FT 0.1612 - SreenShot $1,450 Tradable
    Glock Fade FN 0.0132 99% fade SreenShot $1,111 Tradable
    Stat M4A4 Asiimov FT 0.2172 Clean m4 SreenShot $850 Tradable
    Souv AK Gold Arabesque BS 0.5436 - SreenShot $875 Tradable
    AK Fire Serpent MW 0.0874 Clean AK SreenShot $965 Tradable
    AWP Fade FN 0.0314 87.3% SreenShot $850 Tradable
    AK Hydroponic FT 0.2973 - SreenShot $590 Tradable
    Deagle Blaze FN 0.0053 Clean Top & Black Butt SreenShot $575 Tradable
    AK Vulcan FN 0.0376 Insanely Clean SreenShot $475 Tradable
    Deagle Blaze FN 0.0385 Flammable on best spot SreenShot $475 Tradable
    AWP Asiimov BS 0.9893 Blackiimov / Blacksiimov SreenShot $449 Tradable
    AWP BOOM MW 0.1178 4x Kato paper - LDLC on scope SreenShot $250 Tradable

    Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
    x x x Moto Gloves x x
    Moto Gloves Spearmint FT 0.2209 Insanely clean pair SreenShot $2,400 Tradable
    x x x Sport Gloves x x
    Sport Gloves Pandora's Box FT 0.2182 clean triangle SreenShot $3,750 Tradable
    Sport Gloves Vice BS 0.4701 clean BS pair SreenShot $775 Tradable
    Sport Gloves Scarlet Shamagh FT 0.1701 clean BS pair SreenShot $399 Tradable
    x x x Specialist Gloves x x
    Specialist Gloves Foundation FT 0.1554 clean pair SreenShot $485 Tradable
    Specialist Gloves Tiger Strike FT 0.3001 - SreenShot $735 Tradable
    x x x Driver Gloves x x
    Driver Gloves Rezan the Red MW 0.1252 - SreenShot $235 Tradable
    x x x Hand Wraps x x
    Hand Wraps Cobalt Skulls MW 0.1279 - SreenShot $950 Tradable
    Hand Wraps CAUTION! FT 0.1591 Clean Pair SreenShot $365 Tradable

    Name Wear Wear value Additional info Screenshots B/O Tradable After
    x x x M9 / Bayonet x x x
    M9 Fade FN 0.0335 #87 100% fade SreenShot $1,250 Tradable
    Bayonet Lore MW 0.0863 - SreenShot $625 Tradable
    M9 Slaughter FN 0.0463 Phase 3 SreenShot $610 Tradable
    Stat M9 Tiger Tooth FN 0.0118 - SreenShot $575 Tradable
    M9 Tiger Tooth FN 0.0532 - SreenShot $545 Tradable
    M9 Doppler FN 0.0243 Phase 3 SreenShot $515 Tradable
    M9 Black Laminate BS 0.5378 SreenShot $399 Tradable
    x x x Karambit x x x
    Karambit Doppler FN 0.0355 Black Phase 1 & Good corner SreenShot $750 Tradable
    Karambit Lore FT 0.3246 - SreenShot $625 Tradable
    x x x Butterfly x x x
    Butterfly Fade FN 0.0263 81% mango SreenShot $2,200 Tradable
    Butterfly Vanilla - - x2 - $1,150 Tradable
    Butterfly Slaughter MW 0.1087 SreenShot $1,150 Tradable
    Butterfly Damascus Steel FT 0.2136 - SreenShot $615 Tradable
    Butterfly Damascus Steel FT 0.2218 - SreenShot $615 Tradable
    x x x Flip / Bowie x x x
    Flip Ruby FN 0.0254 - SreenShot $2,099 Tradable
    Bowie Ruby FN 0.0071 Clean af SreenShot $745 Tradable
    x x x Talon x x x
    Talon Marble Fade FN 0.0316 - SreenShot $650 Tradable
    Talon Vanilla - - - - $333 Tradable
    x x Skeleton Huntsman Nomad Stiletto x
    Skeleton Slaughter FN 0.0341 - SreenShot $830 Tradable
    Stat Nomad Fade FN 0.0562 93.9% SreenShot $800 Tradable
    Nomad Fade FN 0.0276 - SreenShot $700 Tradable
    Stiletto Slaughter MW 0.0961 - SreenShot $280 Tradable

    Some ingame screenshots

    Always looking for any upgrades / downgrades offers!

    Dont be shy to send one :)

    TradeLink or Add me to discuss


    x | x | x | - | [SreenShot]() | x | Tradable
    # #/trad9r
    # .
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