Selling cache sets at below mentioned price: My profile- steam rep- Add me if you are interested(only serious buyers (who have read the whole post and sure about buying)) buyer goes first. Reservation is mandatory and nonrefundable. accepting dota 2 tradable items, tf2 keys,paypal and crypto TI8 cache 1 Hero Price ( USD) Quantity Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum(blood seeker) 15$ 2 Pitfall Crusader(Pangolier) 23$ 1 Insights of the Sapphire Shroud(Dark seer) 10$ 5 Pillar of the Fractured Citadel(Spirit breaker) 12$ 3 Forlorn Descent(Undying) 25$ 1 The Murid Divine(necrophos) 22$ 2 Primer of the Sapper's Guile(techies) 20$ 3 Molokau Stalker(venomancer) 15$ 4 Morbific Provision(witch doctor) 15$ 3 Raptures of the Abyssal Kin(queen of pain) 12$ 4 Fate Meridian(invoker) 25$ 3 Grasp of the Riven Exile(weaver) 10$ 6 Visions of the Lifted Veil(phantom assassin) 35$ 1 Endowments of the Lucent Canopy(shadow shaman) 100$ sold out TI8 cache 2 Hero Price(USD) Quantity Pitmouse Fraternity(meepo) 15$ 8 Fires of the Volcanic Guard(Ember spirit) 15$ 7 Third Awakening(Dragon knight) 35$ 1 Shackles of the Enduring Conscript(AXE) 10$ 10 Shimmer of the Anointed(Nyx) 6$ 10 Cruelties of the Spiral Bore(Magnus) 40$ 1 Loaded Prospects(Brew master) 15$ 8 Ire of Molten Rebirth(Phoenix) 8$ 6 Pattern of the Silken Queen(Brood mother) 8$ 11 Dread Ascendance(Doom) 45$ 1 The Rat King(Chen) 10$ 9 Raiments of the Obsidian Forge(Underlord) 15$ 4 TI9 cache 1 Hero Price(USD) Quantity Echoes of the Everblack(Abbadon) 25$ 1 Allure of the Faeshade Flower(Dark willow) 20$ 1 Paean of the Ink Dragon(Grimstroke) 15$ 3 Scorched Amber(Dragon Knight) 30$ 2 Priest of the Proudsilver Clan(Chen) 15$ 5 The Arts of Mortal Deception(Enigma) 12$ 4 Poacher's Bane(Tide hunter) 15$ 6 Soul of the Brightshroud(Death prophet) 20$ 2 Curse of the Creeping Vine(Undying) 18$ 3 Pursuit of the Ember Demons (Husker) 20$ 2 Appetites of the Lizard King(Slark) 20$ 3 Forbidden Medicine(Dazzle) 25$ 3 Riddle of the Hierophant(Oracle) 12$ 7 Glimmer of the Sacred Hunt(Drow ranger) 35$ 1 Adornments of the Jade Emissary(Earth Spirit) 25$ 1 Defender of Ruin(Disrupter) 25$ 8 Gothic Whisper (Phantom Assassin) 80$ 2 TI9 cache 2 Hero Price(USD) Quantity Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful(Drow ranger) 15$ 21 Tribal Pathways(Warlock) 10$ 26 Directive of the Sunbound(Clockwork) 10$ 23 Souls Tyrant(Shadow fiend) 30$ 4 Endless Night(Abbadon) 35$ 3 Dapper Disguise(Pudge) 18$ 16 Prized Acquisitions(Bat rider) 6$ 29 Verdant Predator(Venomancer) 8$ 23 Fury of the Bloodforge(Bloodseeker) 12$ 27 Automaton Antiquity(Broodmother) 10$ 25 Tales of the Windward Rogue(Pangolier) 30$ 5 Grim Destiny(Wraith king) 20$ 21 Distinguished Expeditionary(Tusker) 12$ 26 Fowl Omen(Necrophos) 30$ 3 Cinder Sensei(Ember Spirit)) 100$ 1 TI10 cache 1 Hero Price(USD) Quantity Origin of the Dark Oath(Night stalker) 28$ 22 Ravenous Abyss (Underlord) 18$ 10 Apocalypse Unbound(Ancient appartion) 10$ 36 Beholden of the Banished Ones(Warlock) 20$ 5 Fury of the Righteous Storm(Disrupter) 10$ 36 Lineage of the Stormlords(Juggernaut) 35$ 16 Silent Slayer(Silencer) 20$ 32 Mindless Slaughter(Pudge) 15$ 37 Heartless Hunt(Bounty hunter) 15$ 31 Herald of the Ember Eye(Grim stroke) 15$ 27 Fissured Flight(Jakiro) 12$ 34 Flashpoint Proselyte(Husker) 20$ 34 Glory of the Elderflame(Lina) 28$ 26 Signs of the Allfather(Nature's Prophet) 20$ 34 Songs of Starfall Glen(Enchantress) 15$ 8 Ancient Inheritance(Tiny) 26$ 51 Forsworn Legacy(Mars) 42$ 26 TI10 cache 2 Hero Price(USD) Quantity Evolution of the Infinite(Enigma) 12$ 24 Beast of the Crimson Ring(Bristle Back) 18$ 15 Clearcut Cavalier(Timbersaw) 15$ 10 The King Of Thieves(Keeper of the light) 10$ 27 Horror from the Deep(Tidehunter) 20$ 22 Ire of the Ancient Gaoler(Arc warden) 40$ 1 Talons of the Endless Storm(Chaos Knight) 14$ 22 Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade(Rubick) 10$ 26 Crown of Calaphas(Shadow demon) 17$ 26 Wrath of the Fallen(Doom) 12$ 26 Blacksail Cannoneer(Sniper) 13$ 26 Secrets of the Celestial(Skywrath mage) 10$ 27 Blaze of Oblivion(Phoenix) 8$ 26 Master of the Searing Path(Ember spirit) 28$ 10 Steward of the Forbidden Chamber(Templer assassin) 25$ 30 Claszureme Incursion(Faceless Void) 100$ 1 Aghanim's cache sets Hero Price(USD) Quantity Silverwurm Sacrifice(Dragon Knight) 42$ 4 Scales of the Shadow Walker(Phantom lancer) 14$ 19 Perception of the First Light(Dawn breaker) 12$ 16 Apex Automated(Clockwork) 12.5$ 13 Test of the Basilisk Lord(Razor) 12$ 17 Secrets of the Frost Singularity(Ancient appartion) 8.5$ 20 Perils of the Red Banks(Chen) 8$ 20 The Chained Scribe(Grim stroke) 12$ 18 Widow of the Undermount Gloom(Brood mother) 15$ 12 Forgotten Fate(Mars) 10$ 18 March of the Crackerjack Mage(Rubick) 10$ 19 Stranger in the Wandering Isles(Drow ranger) 42$ 1 Cosmic Concoctioneers(Alchemist) 10$ 19 Days of the Demon(Axe) 35$ 3 Blightfall(Abbadon) 12$ 21 Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected(Ogre magi) 35$ 25 Wrath of the Celestial Sentinel(Chaos Knight) 75$ 8 Diretide cache set Hero Price( USD) Quantity Blue Horizons(Marci) 18$ 6 Sublime Equilibrium( Void Spirit) 35$ 2 angel of vex(invoker) 25$ 2 Grudges of the Gallows Tree (Treant Protector) 18$ 2 Dark Behemoth(Primal beast) 55$ 1 Champion of the Fire Lotus(monkey king) 10$ 5 Deathstitch Shaman(witch doctor) 8$ 5 Spoils of the Shadowveil(spectre) 18$ 3 Forgotten Station(Terrorblade) 12$ 3 Crimson Dawn(Phoenix) 7$ 5 Dirge Amplifier(Undying) 8$ 5 Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt(Ursa) 13$ 3 Chines of the Inquisitor(Facelessvoid) 17$ 2 Starlorn Adjudicator(Dawnbreaker) 18$ 2 Seadog's Stash(clockwork) 8$ 4 Hounds of Obsession (Chen) 14$ 4 Whippersnapper(Snapfire) 18$ 2 Scarlet Subversion(Riki) 15$ 2 Shadowleaf Insurgent(Hoodwink) 18$ 1 Withering Pain(Clinkz) 10$ 1 Darkfeather Factioneer(Phantom assassin) 15$ 1 Feasts of Forever(Night stalker) 10$ 1 Grand Suppressor(Silencer) 12$ 1 War Rig Eradicators(Techies) 12$ 1 Sacred Chamber Guardian(Huskar) 10$ 1 Nemestic cache sets Hero Price(USD) Quantity Vision of the Seraph Scion(vengeful spirit) 60$ 2 Red Sands Marauder(Shadow shaman) 25$ 3 Indomitable Legacy (sven) 120$ 1 2023 cache sets Hero Price(USD) Quantity Snailfire (SnapFire) 25$ 10 Brightfist (Marci) 22$ 10 Primeval Abomination(primal beast) 10$ 10 Astral Herald(dawn breaker) 15$ 10 Spectral Shadow(Abbadon) 7$ 10 Taur Rider(alchemist) 5$ 10 Crescent Huntress(spectre) 10$ 10 Tyrant of the Veil(wraith king) 8.5$ 10 Tomo'kan Footsoldier(hood wink) 7$ 10 Darkwood Eulogy(death prophet) 5$ 10 Sea Spirit(kunkka) 12$ 10 Triumph of the Imperatrix(legion commander) 7$ 10 Beast of Thunder(storm spirit) 10$ 10 Ancestral Heritage(jakiro) 6$ 10 Dezun Viper(dazzle) 10$ 10 CROWNFALL Cache sets Hero Price(in usd) Quantity Ravencloak(Drow Ranger) 40$ 1 Mocking Bird (Meepo) 25$ 3 Flock of Avilliva (Phantom lancer) 25$ 3 Whispering Wings (Silencer) 8$ 5 Barding of Balaur (Jakiro) 8$ 5 Crown of the Condor (Wraith King) 10$ 5 Prophecies of Pavo (Oracle) 10$ 5 Thunderbird(ZEUS) 10$ 4 Birdfeed Bandit (Hood wink) 10$ 5 Raven Harvest (Shadow fiend) 6$ 5 All other normal crownfall treasure set are 3$ each Crownfall collector Cache Sets HERO Price(USD) Quantity Ancient Exile (Juggernaut) 45$ 5 Bloodmoon Stalker (luna) 15$ 10 Crystal Colossus (Spirit breaker) 50$ 2 Undying Love (undying) 15$ 5 All Other Cache sets( not including Pa ,voker,cm and Am) are available for 4$ each 2024 Frostivus treasure sets HERO Price(USD) Quantity Fluttering Breeze (Wind ranger) 120$ 2 Mechamancer (Venomancer) 40$ 2 Vile Vessel (Shadow demon) 15$ 10 Ardalan Arsonist (dark willow) 17.5$ 5 Designs of the Dragon(Anti mage with persona) 9$ 10 Velveteen Vanquisher (pudge with persona) 9$ 10 Little Red (Marci with pet) 7$ 10 Foreseen Horizons(oracle) 4$ 10 Bloodzo the Bear (Ursa) 4.5$ 10 Verminator (Bounty hunter) 4$ 10 Rose of Moira (Muerta) 4$ 10 Onikage Disciple(Phantom assassin) 5$ 10 Shellshock Saturnalia(Snapfire) 4$ 10 Bilge Rat Buccaneer (Hoodwink) 4$ 10 Tendrils of the Timeless(Faceless void) 5$ 10 Svarog the Infernal (Primal beast) 5$ 10 Starforge Reformer (Dawn breaker) 4$ 10 Serpent treasure sets HERO Price(USD) Quantity Serpent's Spite (Necrophos) 40$ 2 Cobra-Ka (lich) 12$ 5 Obsidian Ophis (medusa) 5$ 10 Slithering Stone (Earth spirit) 5$ 10 Madam Mamba (Snap fire) 5$ 10 Call of the Coral Cultist (Naga siren) 3.5$ 10 Psionic Constrictor (Templar Assassin) 4$ 10 Q'uq'umatz Charmer (Shadow shaman) 4$ 10 Arc Adder (razor) 3.5$ 10 Weather Effects Weather Price Ash 11$ Aurora 3$ Harvest 3$ Moonbeam 6$ Rain 10$ Spring 5$ Snow 7$ Siroco 3$ Pestilence 2.5$ Buyers go first, add me now if interested for 30 days cooldown, make sure to leave a comment on my profile . 30% reserve amount required at the time of reserving cache sets. fees(depends on your payment method) on you. If you are buying more than 4 cache sets then u will get addition #. WHY YOU SHOULD TRUST ME: I have more than 10000$ worth of cache sets in my inventory and i have been selling cache sets from past 7 years so why would i scam you for some small amount and you can also check the profile of the people who have given their feedback on my profile . I can also provide you with screenshots of my previous successful trades # #/maulik252 . .