I have a complete collection of Kato holo's on Laminates that I have finally decided I want only the holo on wood and for them to all be Blue Laminates. Trade link: My profile link for discussion if your laminate is better/worse condition etc All of the stickers on these Laminates are unscratched and I will only accept other unscratched holo's in the same position, I am trading these as to avoid scratching regular kato's or a swag/lucky thirteen foil and as such I'm not interested in a skin with any other valuable sticker. Definitely not going to scratch the kato's but no harm in offering the others if someone is interested in them before I scratch them off Skin Condition and FV Kato 14 Holo Other Stickers Screens B/O AK Blue Laminate FT 0.16 iBUYPOWER Virtus.Pro K15 holo, ESL Skull K14 foil, Na'Vi K15 holo cs.money screen FT or better Blue Laminate /w just iBUYPOWER K14 holo on wood AK Blue Laminate MW 0.08 VOX Eminor Na'Vi K14 cs.money screen MW or better Blue Laminate /w just VOX K14 holo on wood AK Red Laminate FT 0.22 Dignitas Titan K14 cs.money screen FT or better Blue Laminate /w just Dignitas K14 holo on wood AK Blue Laminate FN 0.05 Na'Vi Lucky 13 foil cs.money screen FN Blue Laminate /w just Na'Vi K14 holo on wood ST Blue Laminate FT 0.15 HellRaisers Swag foil cs.money screen ST FT or better Blue Laminate /w just HR K14 holo on wood Red Laminate FT 0.18 HellRaisers 3x FaZe Columbus holo cs.money screen FT or better Blue Laminate /w just HR K14 holo on wood AK Blue Laminate FT 0.31 Clan-Mystik Virtus.Pro K14, Titan Cologne 15 foil, Reason K14 cs.money screens FT or better Blue Laminate /w just Clan-Mystik holo on wood + 2 keys AK Blue Laminate MW 0.07 LGB eSports LDLC K14 cs.money screens MW or better Blue Laminate /w just LGB K14 holo on wood# #/TacoLlama97 . .